How Much Are Singing Waiters For Weddings?
What is the average cost of Singing Waiters in the UK?
For example, a Solo Singing Waiter (with a full PA system) is expected to cost between £500 – £900, while most suppliers charge between £900 to £1600 for two singing waiters.
A traditional opera music group can set you back as much as £2300 for three classically-trained “waiters” including equipment.
Please note these are average costs, and you may find they vary by region, and experience – the old maxim of “pay peanuts, get monkeys”, almost certainly applies here!
This is your one big day, and your one chance to make that unforgettable impression – be sure to do some research into the people you are looking to hire as your undercover singing staff, and ask to see reviews and live video footage.
Got Questions? Click here to contact us, or call 0800 171 2017 to speak with us now.

The One Thing Almost All Weddings Have In Common
A wedding isn’t an everyday usual event and it varies from couple to couple.
One thing they tend to have in common is a boring wedding breakfast.
This is usually dull, full of speeches from the toastmaster and key guests.
This is where The Amazing Singing Waiters step in, transforming this coma-inducing, dull part of the proceeds into a very exciting moment that will make your guests jump out of their seats.
Turns Your Wedding Meal From A Snore-Fest To A Party – In Seconds!
The idea of Singing Waiters creates an amazing twist on your special day. Even if people have seen Singing Waiters for Weddings before; they’ll still never see us coming! If you’re considering this unique style of entertainment for your wedding or event, it’s a great idea to start looking around as soon as possible to find out who is available and what they cost. Start by thinking about your budget and how many waiters you think you’ll need to make the ultimate impression on your guests. The most common is to have two singing waiters.
Exploring online, anyone can find the acts they are searching for. Through social media, ask your connections who they recommend.

Exactly As You Want It
Explain your ideas in detail with your singing host supplier. When you’ve got a question in mind, ensure that your surprise singers are fully versed in your expectations. Share audio and song options. Then be sure you ask that it be included in the list if you’ve got a song that’s special for you and wants it to incorporate in the surprise.
If you have specific ideas about the songs you want your listeners to hear, check this is something that is offered in the plan. Surprise singers cater to unique and in-depth needs, so they tailor fit it into a precious memory and then make the surprise.

Let Us Surprise YOU, Too!
If you prefer to let the plan be designed by the surprise singers, then make sure you get a precise idea of the kinds of acts that they offer. If you are satisfied with how much these Singing Waiters cost, select the one which best suits your needs.
Anticipate what will happen on the day itself. Talk to your singing host provider when picking singers and speak to them about how the guests will be amazed on the big day. Talk about different situations that will and might arise. You can’t have too much info at this point. Make sure the order of events is to your taste.
You need to be sure that not one of your guests will guess the incredible revelation that is about to come. It has to be convincing and it has to fit into your wedding party! This is something that comes with experience, so be sure to choose someone who is not new at being Singing Waiters at Weddings.
Ready to book? Have Questions? Click here to contact us, or call 0800 171 2017 to speak with us now.

After an arrangement has been made to hire the Singing Waiters, the booking can be approved by paying the deposit that is asked through a safe and secure booking method or by simply communicating with your singing host supplier.
The Singing Waiters For Weddings
An interactive, all-inclusive choice, Singing Waiters at Weddings get your guests connected, whatever their age. There’s always a lot of excitement as each Singing Waiter reveals themselves and then works the room, engaging visitors, and encouraging them to join in with the fun and singing. They’re also great fun for drinks parties and awards and enjoyable corporate functions.
A broad range and diversity of styles will delight your guests and get them into the party mood. Typically, familiar tunes from artists like The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Queen, Take That or even Bruno Mars can be included.
Singing Waiters At Weddings Are A MUST!
No one presumes that the guys giving out the champagne and canapes are going to break into song, but that’s what the singing waiters do! They turn your regular event into an exceptional moment that guests will surely won’t forget!
Ready to book? Have Questions? Click here to contact us, or call 0800 171 2017 to speak with us now. Find us on Facebook here.

Singing Waiters UK Average Cost – A Summary
You may have been looking for a Singing Waiters UK average cost, but now see that there are many variables at play, from how many undercover performers you want to book, to how experienced they are.
As arguably the best Singing Waiters in the UK, we would love to speak with you about your event and advise on how to make your wedding not just unforgettable, but memorable for all the right reasons!
Get in touch by clicking here to contact us, or call 0800 171 2017 to speak with us.
You can Also find us on Facebook here.